Listen up, Men! Men are loyal beings unlike women.
When a man sees his friend’s wife or girlfriend, his instinct is to give her the princess treatment—out of loyalty and respect for his friend. It’s not about impressing her; it’s about honoring the bond between men. Men understand that respecting their friend’s woman is a direct reflection of their respect for the man himself. A man will even appreciate his friends for treating his woman with dignity because it reinforces trust and camaraderie.
But here’s the issue: flip the situation, and women don’t operate the same way. When a woman encounters her friend’s husband or boyfriend, there’s often reluctance or awkwardness. The man might receive cold indifference, minimal acknowledgment, or outright suspicion. Worse still, the woman who is his partner may feel uneasy about the interaction, as if simple kindness from her friends could mean something else.
This difference highlights a fundamental issue. Men operate with a clear code of loyalty and respect among their peers. They don’t see extending courtesy to their friend’s woman as a risk—it’s a duty. Women, on the other hand, are often driven by a different dynamic, one where insecurity or competitiveness clouds judgment. Instead of elevating each other, there’s often distrust or an underlying fear of boundaries being crossed.
This behavior exposes a deeper problem: women don’t always build their relationships with the same loyalty-based foundation that men do. It’s not universal, but many women fail to prioritize the strength of their sisterhood the way men prioritize their brotherhood.
Men, take note of this difference. Maintain your standards of loyalty and respect, and let your actions set the bar. If a man can trust his friends to honor and protect his relationship in public, that’s a bond worth keeping. Demand the same standards from the people you allow into your life.